Ladies, as week 8 of the  NFL season gets underway,  I’ve devised four rules to prevent you from being put on the back burner for football. RULE #1  …

Messy Scenario: Me and my girlfriend have been together for 3 years now. Sadly to say I feel as though I’m loosing my interest sexually with her. I love everything else about her, but sexually seems as though its lacking. I have been having thoughts of other females really heavy on my head but I’m […]

A brother is concerned that his woman who travels often for work may be cheating on him because lately she is rolling lots of sexy undies into her suitcases. Should he be worried?   Your Advice You find “trouble” when you keep looking for it. She is not telling the whole truth – he really […]

  Listener reached out because her husband has asked their female friends about being a third in a threesome, but hasn’t asked her about it yet. Should she be mad? How is he doing that before asking her? What if she says no then is he going to take the friend and another friend. Yup, […]

Check out my advice to a listener looking to have a threesome and not blow up her relationship!

Check out my advice to a woman who only sees her man on HER paydays.  

Magic Mess A brother wanted to know if it was true that a man should look at the mom if he wants to know what a woman is going to be like down the road. Your Advice No. My mother was an abusive alcoholic…. and I am nothing like her. We are our own woman…. […]

  Scenario: A brother has been married for one year and has been put out his house 3 times by his wife because of small things like not answering his phone, being out too late or simply because she is not sure if she wants to be married. He wants to move out and get […]

The Magic Mess 52 year old empty nester has been dating agreat white guy for a year and the realtionship is getting serious and she is getting nervous. She wants to know if she should throw him back for a black guy? Your Advice: She waited 52 years…how much longer is she going to wait? […]