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4.    Keep your dignity.  Don’t feel like you have to represent yourself in ways you aren’t comfortable.

5.    Learn from the best.  Male or female, black or white, identify the smartest people and learn what you can.

6.    Don’t hide your glow.  Sometimes we’re tempted to down play our talents to make someone else look better.

7.    Step up your game.  If your bosses tell you you’re doing enough, do more. Continue to get better.

8.    Enjoy the process. The real Oprah, not the one played by Kenan, says it isn’t failure if you enjoyed the process.  Sometimes we stress ourselves out so much with fear of failing that we don’t even realize all we’ve gained, the people we’ve met and the opportunities that our situation could lead to.

Like much of Black America, I’m rooting for Sasheer Zamata.  No one has to sell me on the fact that in order to be chosen out of the 25 women auditioned, she must be extremely talented.  I also know that being extremely talented isn’t always enough.

Pressure and politics can end a person’s career before they know what’s hit them. Sasheer Zamata’s victory should be based on knowing she’s doing the best job that she can do and how well she establishes herself as a brand that will stand, with or without SNL.

Once we recognize our own power and value, there’s no stopping us.  That’s a lesson I’m glad I learned.

We All Can Learn from Sasheer Zamata’s debut on ‘SNL’  was originally published on

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