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On Monday, Sanders sought to clarify his earlier remarks, hoping to put the controversy behind him. But I believe Sanders made the situation worse.

“What I meant to say is when you talk about ghetto, traditionally what you are talking about is African-American communities,” Sanders told reporters in Detroit.

When you’re in a hole, Bernie, stop digging.

In addition to the “ghetto” controversy, Sanders has more problems: The NRA defended Sanders’ position that gun manufacturers should receive special immunity protections from lawsuits when their guns kill Americans.

“Combating gun violence is a top priority for my family and countless families across this nation,” Lucia McBath, mother of Jordan Davis, said in a statement. “That’s why it’s so disappointing to see the NRA defending Senator Sanders on guns. Families need to be able to hold gun manufacturers and dealers accountable when their weapons kill our children. We need a president who will fight for that – not someone who toes the NRA line.”

Sanders’ troubles comes at a critical time in the presidential election. Hillary Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, has rallied thousands of African-American voters around her candidacy. She has received endorsements from all segments of the African-American community including influential ministers, politicians, educators – and Fulton and McBath.

Sanders is still hoping to make inroads with the Black community. He even met with Rev. Al Sharpton in Harlem last month. Sanders already has an uphill climb to rally Black voters and his “ghetto” comments and his position on gun manufactures will only make his trek to securing the Democratic nomination for president even more difficult.

Although he won Michigan last night, Sanders is still well behind Clinton, who picked up more delegates with a win in Mississippi on the strength of her Black support.

For Sanders, this mess he created is probably a teachable moment, one that will force the 74-year-old senator from Vermont (perhaps the whitest state in the nation) to choose his words more carefully when discussing race.

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Dear Bernie: White People Are Poor, Too  was originally published on

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