News & Gossip

R.I.P. Auntie Fee Passes Away At Age 59 After Major Heart Attack

News & Gossip

The circus that is Donald Trump‘s White House has attracted another character to the world of international politics. Former NBA star Dennis Rodman spoke to TMZ to offer his help when it comes to the increased tension between the United States and North Korea as someone who is familiar with both sides, having met with North Korean lead Kim Jong-un and starred […]

News & Gossip

Blac Chyna is the latest cover girl for Cosmopolitan, and opened up to the magazine about her tabloid-dominating relationship with Rob Kardashian. Amidst reports that the couple have called it quits, her interview seems to leave quite a bit of hope that two will end up together after all. She told the magazine that she and Rob are in […]

Fresh off the heels of a massive winter storm on the east coast, celebs like Tamar Braxton, Snoop Dogg and Rick Ross have still managed to keep things hot this week. The closer we get to the warmer weather and outside vibes of Spring, the more it seems that things are popping off in Hollywood. Like birthday […]