News & Gossip

This is the "How to Get Away With Murder" star's first major cosmetics campaign.

"His-Story" is a film by Asia Garrison that asks young Black men to describe their American experience in their own words.

If these videos don't get you in the spirit, nothing will.

Earlier this week when news broke that Rihanna was getting a street named after her in her hometown of Barbados, the bad gal had everyone wanting to pack their bags, leave Trump jungle and head for the island. But Rih Rih isn’t the only star to be graced with such an honor. Hit […]

Colin Kaepernick has lent support to the clothing line, which includes hats, pillows, sweats, flip flops, hoodies and T-shirts.

After losing so many great legends in 2017, we like to preserve the classic icons we have left. That’s why folks were freaking out on social media after watching beloved TV journalist Larry King take a pull of a vape pen and nearly choke himself to death. LK the Vape God? See what […]

Besides the weather change, decorations everywhere and people seeming a little more cheerful, there’s only one other thing that let’s people know it’s really Christmas time — the classic holiday TV specials that only come on this time of year (especially the claymation ones). Hit the flip to see some classic Christmas […]