
The Psychology of switching your brain to spend wisely in the retirement income phase.

Proposed Taxes For 2025 – What do they mean for you?

Inflation has supposedly ticked down a bit – but what does it mean to you? Realigning your savings; looking at different ways to save without tax penalties.

What are the chances of an interest rate reduction? Planning before you invest; What’s going on the investment world?

In this episode:  “Are You Protected?” – Life Insurance is for the living; You can protect your family heritage by creating a legacy.   Demetrica “Meechie” Jefferis was born and raised in Chicago. In July 1989 at the age of 18, she began her journey in the United States Air Force. In Aug 2015, after […]

What is your average rate of return? Is your company’s 401K match unfair?

One area of wisdom required by all people, regardless of circumstance, race, or age, is money management.

Social Security Stress Test – How much debt is too much? Discussions about The National Debt and ways to battle inflation.

The trust fund that supports Medicare Part A is expected to run out of money in 2036. What does that mean to you? Plus, Retirement Income vs Retirement Savings; and it’s Disability Awareness Month.