

Abigail Fisher, the White woman who made a big fuss about the affirmative action program at the University of Texas, lost big at the Supreme Court on Thursday.

When it comes to the continued rape, abuse, murder, and disenfranchisement of Black American women, the legislative, societal response is a resounding "you can take it," "you brought this on yourself," or "shut up about it."

In the lawsuit that was filed in March, Sharp claims the township created a hostile and racially intimidating environment because of the racist comments made towards him.

The caretaker said she noticed on Tuesday that Kelly walked over to the couch, leaned over and placed something in his mother's mouth before he left the house.


According to reports, Barack Obama is considering becoming the co-owner of an NBA franchise.

Michigan's governor signed into law a $617 million bailout package for Detroit Public Schools. There are many critics of his plan.

A grand jury declined to indict the police officer who pinned down a Black girl at a pool party. The police will hold a community meeting to discuss moving forward.

Sixteen-year-old Destyni Tyree was awarded a full scholarship to Potomac State College too.