
We need a more accurate picture of Dr. King and his message for the sake of his legacy.


The announcement comes after Scholastic attempted to defend "A Birthday Cake For George Washington."

Two CH-53 helicopters appear to have gone missing during a training flight on Thursday evening.

New study contradicts popular belief that this atrocity is just a developing world problem.


President Obama on Saturday announced an emergency declaration that would allocate $5 million in federal aid to assist Flint in the water crisis.

Actress and producer Jada Pinkett Smith took to social media to express her disappointment

Two days after the death of her husband, Celine lost her beloved brother to cancer.

Indiyah Rush innocently shared her inhaler with her classmate whom she presumed was having an asthma attack. The act of kindness resulted in a suspension and a disciplinary hearing.

Mrs. Obama may not be interested in being President but she'll continue to be involved in her health and educational initiatives.

Gov. Larry Hogan shot down the legislation last year, but a strong push from Democrat leadership is aimed to turn the tides.