
Kevin Roper, the truck driver involved in the vehicle crash that left comedian Tracy Morgan in coma for two weeks, has been indicted on charges of first-degree aggravated manslaughter, vehicular homicide, and eight counts of aggravated assault, CNN reports.

Former nurse turned politician, Rita Bosaho recently became the first black woman elected into Spain's parliament.

Barbara Dawson was arrested for refusing to leave the Liberty Calhoun Hospital after she was discharged.

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo has signed a new law banning pregnant women from being shackled when they're transported to medical appointments, during delivery and eight weeks after birth.

Kevin Hart and Chris Paul gave 300 deserving kids in Los Angeles a holiday shopping spree at Target.

Opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai claims that Zimbabwe’s aging president Robert Mugabe has been replaced by his wife Grace in a "palace coup," reports the Mail & Guardian.

Thanks to a question about bullying, Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton on Tuesday was able to respond to indirectly to Republican rival Donald Trump's latest crude comments directed at her.


Due to a programming error, 3,2000 inmates have been released early from prisons in the state of Washington. The programming error was first discovered in 2002 and has yet to be fixed.

According to First Coast News, Dawn Meikle, 55, was in bed with her husband Donald Meikle on Dec. 11 when he began farting. When she realized he was doing it intentionally, the Port St. Lucie native asked him to stop. After he refused, she kicked him out of bed, only for him to return with more smelly attacks.