
Ben Carson (pictured), a retired world-renowned neurosurgeon, author, political activist and prospective Republican presidential candidate has given his stamp of approval on the much-debated issue…

Stacey Dash (pictured) is well aware that she has recently pissed a lot of people off and now she’s saying sorry, sort of. In response…

Ramarley Graham’s parents held a memorial at the Bronx’s Crawford Memorial United Methodist Church Monday evening. The day marked three years since officers killed the…


Known for their invigorating and scintillating live performances, compellingly honest song writing and radiantly optimistic anthems, Avery*Sunshine has steadily filled a void for those starved for authentic, no holds barred soul and R&B. The dynamic duo, featuring the honey-toned alto of songbird and pianist Avery*Sunshine and guitarist and vocalist Dana “BigDane” Johnson, have collaborated with […]

The famed Neverland ranch that was owned by mega entertainer Michael Jackson could become a rehabilitation center for children who have been sexually abused, according…

Three teachers at the Washington, D.C., public charter school Howard University Middle School of Math and Science were reportedly fired for teaching Black history lessons to their…


As a journalist, one thing I hate is when a source won’t answer my questions. It’s frustrating, it stops me from getting my work done,…

On Wednesday, the Washington Post asked Senator John McCain (R-AZ) how would his former running mate, Sarah Palin (pictured), do if she decides to run…

Although African Americans make up just 13 percent of the U.S. population, we account for 33 percent of the missing in the Federal Bureau of…

I do not envy Michelle Obama’s (pictured) position. No matter how innocuous her actions are — say, simply tackling childhood obesity with exercise and carrots…