TJMS: If You Missed It

TJMS: If You Missed It

9/08/15- Dear Tom, Please consider my husband, Leon Slaughter, Sr.  for the Real Fathers Real Men acknowledgement. Our families have been in the same community…

Jacque Reid talks to journalist and MSNBC’s political analyst Joy Ann Reid about her new book Fracture. In it she discusses everything from how the…

9/08/15- Click the link above to hear the Celebrity Snitch dish on who the Sarah Palin of politics and why women might want to watch…

Muhammad Ali was a conscientious objector to the Viet Nam war. He once famously said, “I ain’t got nothing against no Viet Cong; no Viet…

9/08/15- Click the link above to hear Comedian Chris Paul dish on why Kentucky is now finger lickin’ good, how Al Roker landed a new endorsement deal…

9/08/15- Seriously Ignorant News chief correspondent Damon Williams reports on a woman who believes in sticking by her man even when the wheels fell off…

9/08/15- Tom Joyner and Sybil Wilkes are still recovering from the Allstate Family Reunion so Skip Murphy and Jacque Reid are co-hosting the show and dishing…

TJMS: If You Missed It

Arnold Josiah Ford is recognized by some as the first Black rabbi in the United States. While that fact has been debated, Rabbi Ford is…

TJMS: If You Missed It

The Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka decision on May 17, 1954 by the U.S. Supreme Court set into motion the desegregation of public…

Comedian Alex Thomas is performing at The Promontory in Chicago this week, but before he takes the stage he talks to the Tom Joyner Morning Show…