TJMS: If You Missed It

TJMS: If You Missed It

Sorry Matt Barnes but it looks like you were referring to the wrong Rihanna. The NBA star told TMZ that he and the pop superstar…

TJMS: If You Missed It

8/16/15- The TJMS crew is back in the studio from the #TJMSTour! Click the link above to hear Tom, Sybil and J. recap their fun…

Civil rights leader, former politician and educator and Julian Bond passed this weekend at the age of 75. Bond became known as a champion of…

Veteran actor and rapper Ice Cube is the producer for the movie Straight Outta Compton about his group, NWA. The story chronicles when five young men…

8/14/15- Comedian Chris Paul welcomes a certain politician to the black experience, dishes on why Tyrese’s good deed would’ve worked better and he explains which…

TJMS: If You Missed It

8/14/15- Happy Friday! Click the link above to hear the TJMS crew dish about a new group of Black Panthers that may or may not…

We are not quite sure what Dwyane Wade was going for in his latest Esquire shoot or why the usual relatively conservative magazine cosigned it,…

TJMS: If You Missed It

Bishop Vashti Murphy McKenzie made history in 2000 when she was elected by the African Methodist Episcopal church as the first woman to serve as…

Affectionately dubbed The Queen of Talk, Wendy Williams has taken on a new challenge, one opposite of her daily hot topics and celebrity interviews as seen…

TJMS: If You Missed It

8/12/15- Dear Tom, My daughter, Kayla became a new mom last Tuesday, August 4th.   She is very frugal and she had been getting things ready…