TJMS: If You Missed It

Film director extraordinaire Antoine Fuqua is teaming up with Denzel Washington again, this time, for the action-filled thriller, The Equalizer. Fuqua who also directed Brooklyn’s Finest,…

Roland Martin talks to Journalist and television anchor Gwen Ifill about the amount of young black men who were killed at the hands of police officers, especially…

09/24/14- Sybil Wilkes discusses the morning’s news headlines including, the UPS shooting in Alabama, the release of the jurors in the Michael Dunn trial, Tavis…

TJMS: If You Missed It

Highlights: The Subaru XV Crosstrek hybrid is the latest addition to the Subaru line up. It’s the brand’s first hybrid. Test vehicle’s MSRP: $26,820 Seating…

Jacque Reid talks to CEO of CURLS, Mahisha Dellinger, a modern day Madame CJ Walker, who went from the projects to the penthouse. “It didn’t happen overnight.…

As I prepared last night to go to air on CNN with the information that the U.S. along with a coalition of the willing had…

09/23/14 – Sybil Wilkes discusses the morning’s news headlines including, the Syrian aircraft that was shot down, the White House’s new promises to lock the…

TJMS: If You Missed It

Gotham is already an early favorite of TV critics to become one of the top rated shows of the new season, and much of that…

An anonymous hacker has struck again and this time more Black actresses were the victims. A week or so ago, an anonymous hacker released a…

09/22/14 – The TJMS is live from Cleveland, Ohio! Click the link above to hear where they will be for the entire week, a hilarious…