A second surveillance video has emerged in the Michael Brown shooting. The 18-year-old Ferguson, MIssouri, teenager was killed by policeman Darren Wilson on August 9, 2015 after what has been described as a “strong-arm” robbery at a convenience store earlier that day. This video, which was dismissed as having no bearing on the case by […]

Charles Barkley may be a basketball icon and popular sports commentator, but his views on race have led many in the Black community to cast him a side-eye. But TNT thought his controversial views would make for compelling TV and signed him up for a six-part TV series on race called The Race Card, airing […]

In the wake of an extremely violent week, which saw two Black men killed at the hands of police, as well as five police officers in a mass shooting in Dallas, Texas, thousands of protesters took to the streets in support of Black Lives Matter. But one image stood out to many on social media […]