Is it okay to date your ex’s friends? It’s actually a question a lot of people have. Listen to the audio player to hear  Dr. Jennifer…

When Iyanla Vanzant speaks, people listen. Here are Iyanla’s top 3 mistakes single women make: Looking for someone outside of yourself to be happy Blocking intimacy Doubting you can ever have the love you desire 10 Things Single People Are Sick Of Hearing [EXCLUSIVE AUDIO] 10 Lessons from Tony A. Gaskins’ ‘The Single Life’ Seminar WHAT GIVES? […]


Too many people want to diagnose what is wrong with the Single Black successful female. Unfortunately, the problem is that being single is apparently not…

There aren’t many women who actually want to be the breadwinner, but unfortunately it’s happening more often than they’d like. Our writer today is concerned…

  One thing you give up when you say “I do” is secrets. So when you’re man is going home late without an explanation, that’s…

Don’t think dating a guy with less money than you is awkward. Think again! Listen to the audio player to hear Jasmine Sanders list 10…

This writer has a big problem. The guy she’s dating doesn’t want to kiss! Yeah we know – crazy. Listen to the audio player to…

You’re not gay are you? Why are you still single? Yeah, these are just a few of the things single people are tired of hearing.…

Showing up drunk or late.  Texting throughout the night. Yeah, these are just a few first date deal breakers. Listen to the audio player to…

You kinda miss being single. Yeah, that’s not really a good excuse to break up with someone! Listen to the audio player to hear Jasmine…