Malcolm X remains one of the most important figures of the American Civil Rights Movement, and his transformation into a vocal human rights activist added…

Just a day after his lawyer announced he would sue the City of Ferguson, Mo. and former police officer Darren Wilson, Dorian Johnson, a key…

Three people were injured in two separate shootings in Ferguson this week during community marches for Freddie Gray. The shootings occurred late Tuesday evening as a group of…


If you are a Black person living in America, then this headline from Monday’s New York Times may be jarring, but not truly shocking: 1.5 Million…


UPDATE: Thursday March 12, 3:00 AM EST During a media brief Thursday morning, St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told reporters that one officer was shot in…


Looks like Ferguson continues to clean house. In the latest fallout from the Department of Justice report that shone a blinding light on racially biased…

Despite a damning Justice Department report that found African-Americans made up 93 percent of arrests even though they only represent 67 percent of the Ferguson, Mo. population,…

It’s no secret that slavery didn’t end after the Civil War and instead evolved into something known as Slave Codes. The laws were designed to…

During a Thursday press conference, Michael Brown‘s family attorneys announced they will file a civil lawsuit against the city of Ferguson following the Justice Department’s…


In the aftermath of an explosive and scathing Department of Justice report alleging blatant discrimination, bias and racial stereotyping in the Ferguson, Mo. Police Department, a police official…