The case of an Alabama officer heard spewing racial slurs and threatening to kill a Black man and hide the evidence was recovered this week

A new survey is revealing that Americans feel like Blacks were treated more fairly in 2007 than now.

Black Lives Matter begins their rally at the SC Statehouse.— Paul Zoeller (@pzoeller) July 18, 2015 When two hate groups took their place on the…


When the world learned of Cecil the Lion’s death at the hands of a rich American dentist, the world wept over the loss and called…


In the week since Sandra Bland was found dead in a Texas jail cell, just three days after she was pulled over and arrested for failure…

In the ten days since the mysterious death of Sandra Bland in a Texas jail cell, speculation around exactly how the 28-year-old Illinois woman died…

Stephen A. Smith’s comments on the Black Lives Matter movement rattled many on Twitter, including hip-hop artists and activists Killer Mike and Talib Kweli.  The drama…

Despite claims that Sandra Bland committed suicide in a Texas jail cell following a violent arrest after a traffic stop, a Waller County prosecutor said…

In mid-June when Rachel Dolezal was asked on camera, “Are you African-American?” she was left speechless, hesitant and caught off guard. After claiming to misunderstand…

The family of Sandra Bland has taken matters into their own hands regarding the 28-year-old’s alleged suicide in a Texas jail cell. According to NBC…