Tired of minorities in your dating pool? Bizarrely enough, there's a dating website for that.

Black Lives Matter activists and fans urged LeBron to sit out of Monday night's game against the Phoenix Suns, after a Cleveland jury's decision not to indict any police officers in the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice.

After disagreeing on a $5.3 million commission for the flag and repairs for the museum, a $3.6 million budget was considered.

The significance of the 13th Amendment anniversary -- which abolished slavery in most states -- is not lost on us, as we watch the first African-American president deliver these moving remarks.

Bishop George Bloomer of Bethel Family Worship Center in Durham, North Carolina arrived at Monday’s meeting with Donald Trump with great skepticism about the outcome, especially on issues of race, he told The Associated Press. When he got a chance to address Trump, he was fairly direct in his questioning. “I asked him: ‘Are you a […]

Six men and a woman were accused of producing and distributing nearly 10,800 “2 Ride” passes in violation of policy for Tulsa City Transit. The workers, however, were simply doing as they were told by supervisors, their lawyer says.

Racial comments written in the snow on cars @CalvinCollege https://t.co/HVAieMOU36 pic.twitter.com/dpxeHdpBSw — WOOD TV8 (@WOODTV) November 23, 2015 Two unidentified students confessed to drawing swastikas…

"A group of White supremacists showed up at the protest, as they have done most nights," Miski Noor, a media contact for Black Lives Matter told the Star Tribune.

Roker's experience is not unique -- cabs passing Black men and women is a decades-long problem that has both been addressed through the lens of racial profiling and comedic fodder.


A Black protester at a Donald Trump rally in Birmingham, Ala. was allegedly assaulted after the GOP presidential hopeful ordered supporters to remove him from the event.