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The journey to greatness is hard and it doesn’t get any easier even after proving your unmatched genius — but the key is to be charismatically defiant in your pursuits. When giving up isn’t an option and only the vision of victory will do — there’s basically nothing that can derail the pure destiny of a little girl from Compton, as she prepares to hold the world hostage with her dopeness.

They say the darker we are, the more challenging it is to get to the top — and while that is true — there’s also the proof in the Black girl who fought to have it all — and now as a Black woman who surpassed her expectations — the fight continues.

And that’s the most enduring lesson of all for the Black girls struggling to find a spot in the landscape of Whiteness and lightness.

Never stop fighting.

Read Ezinne’s full essay here.

What Black Girls Can Learn From HBO’s “Being Serena” (Spoilers)  was originally published on

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