
Dr. Ben Carson clearly has a thing for slavery. During the same Values Voter Summit where he declared the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act…


Reports coming in from at least 17 states across the country, including Maine, Mississippi, Ohio, Georgia, California, Virginia, Alabama and Michigan, that EBT (Electronic Benefit…

Whoopi Goldberg, an avid fan and supporter of the late iconic X rated female comedian , Moms Mabely directed the documentary of Moms Mabley for the Tribecca film festival. Now “I Got Somethin To Tell You” comes to HBO. The film highlights the legacy of the late comedian , funny but controversial in the presentation […]

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) took a break from blaming “that one” — known to the rest of the country as President Barack Obama – for the…

Dr. Ben Carson, the GOP’s favorite minority darling and former director of pediatric surgery at the Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, has compared President Barack Obama‘s Patient…

Philip Burns (pictured), a former elementary school teacher of the year who was arrested last November, was recently indicted for child molestation, according to prosecutors. A…


A 34-year-old Brooklyn mother taking pain medication following a C-section fell ill in bed Thursday night and died, rolling over and accidentally smoothing her newborn,…


In a shocking update in the Kendrick Johnson (pictured) case, his body was stuffed with newspaper before his burial, according to CNN. RELATED: Second Autopsy In…

The scandalous fall of a promising political changer intercepted by lust and greed. Kwame Kilpatrick’s position of power and influence assisted in further destroying a decaying city. Once vibrant as the Motor City and the hottest soul music scene of the 60’s forever affectionately known as  Motown, the home of music legends like Smokey Robinson, […]

Essence is lending a helping hand to the sisters looking for attractive, hardworking and educated brothers who want to meet you. Where can you meet these wonderful suitors? Not only did Essence share where to meet these brothers, they also gave a few tips on what to do once you’ve met them. Check out the […]