President Obama relaunched his website,, and he and the former First Lady are set to work together as private citizens.


Barack Obama may receive a $20 million advance for his memoir.


President Trump signed an executive order halting a plan that would help low-income buyers purchase homes.

A young girl was overcome with emotion when her parents gave her a package that was delivered to her home from the White House containing a personalized letter from then-President Barack Obama.

News & Gossip

As the world mourns The First Family officially leaving the White House, it might be hard to have any positive thoughts, but this good news about the lovely Malia Obama just might help. Already on her way to Harvard, smart and beautiful Malia Obama has earned herself an internship that is the stuff of Hollywood […]

YOUR NEW POTUS’S FIRST ACT AS PREZ IS TIME OFF… It’s not a joke.  It’s not a game.  This is American reality.  Donald Trump will become the nation’s 45th President today and he has announced that he will be taking the weekend off.  Yes.  Your President’s first official act is taking a break.  He will […]