Hellllllllll to the naw! If you’re from Baltimore, then you know not to swim in the Inner Harbor. Hell, if we’re being honest, I don’t even go close to the edge. What happens if you’re not from Baltimore, does the Inner Harbor look like the place you want to dive into? Again, no. The Director […]

The mother of three from Blue Island, just 16 miles outside of Chicago, says she is unsure where we will go as a country from here, but her protest exemplifies the notion that in the fight for social justice and equality, it is deadly to be silent.

Sixty people in total were shot over the weekend and 28 were wounded between Sunday around noon and 3 a.m. Monday morning.


A group of 40 students from Chicago got the opportunity to attend a prom hosted by two local non-profit organizations.

The CEO of pilotEd, a Chicago-based education nonprofit, won a global fellowship for social entrepreneurs. PilotEd has a holistic approach to educating minority students while connecting with the community.


The Baltimore Police Union is calling on state’s attorney Marilyn Mosby to throw out all charges against the officers involved in the Freddie Gray case. This comes after one of the six officers, Caesar Goodson Jr., was acquitted of all charges placed against him on Thursday. This is the second time that Mosby’s team has failed […]

William Frey, a demographer from Brookings Institute dubbed this cycle, “reverse migration.”

The Oscar winner hopes his new initiative can inspire youth to stay off the streets.

A judge set a $1 million bond for a man accused of murdering his infant son. The suspect told investigators multiple stories about what caused the child's deadly injuries.


Media mogul Oprah Winfrey is looking to expand her mark in the food and beverage industry. According to reports, Winfrey filed paperwork to trademark a new collection of bottled drinks and food. The line will feature coconut water, energy drinks, lemonade, and bottled water. Other products include spices, baked goods, dairy, meat, fish, preserved food […]