
The 2016 Democratic National Convention is officially underway and kicked off Monday night with a bang, courtesy of FLOTUS Michelle Obama. Now going into day two, some well-known names in Hollywood have decided to band together to take down Republican nominee Donald Trump once and for all. Many may not want to admit it, but […]

After months of a grueling campaign, Hillary Clinton made history Tuesday night by clinching the Democratic party nomination for president. The news was met with enthusiastic applause following a 90-minute roll call vote, according to the Los Angeles Times. It was a far cry from Monday’s booing of Clinton at the first night of the […]

FLOTUS had the crowd in tears as she stressed what this election means for our children and why she's standing with Hillary Clinton.

The DNC is off to a rocky start with the abrupt resignation of longtime chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz over the weekend amid a searing email scandal, during which hacks revealed she showed favoritism toward Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. On Monday, Wasserman Schultz was booed when she began to address a Florida delegation breakfast at the convention in […]

"Black Men for Bernie" joined a rally in support of Bernie Sanders in Philadelphia. The organization says Sanders has long fought the battle to end racial inequality.

While many thought Clinton would announce her decision at an evening rally earlier in the day, she opted to send a message to her supporters using the digital sphere.

In his fleshed out thesis, Carson linked Clinton with Satan, successfully leading the crowd to believe that because Clinton admired Alinksy, she would obliterate the religious foundation the nation was built upon. Deception at its best.

The conspiracy theories have already started to fly on social media as racial tensions rise over the deaths of two unarmed Black men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, followed by the deadly ambush of five Dallas, Texas police officers, who were allegedly shot by a lone Black man. The loss of life on both sides […]

"Hillary Clinton will make a great president and I am proud to stand with her today," Sanders said.