I am a kind person but I genuinely believe sometimes the best help you can give people is none at all. (Especially, grown men and women that are just irresponsible and factor your kind heart into their budgets.) Sometimes there is a lesson to be learned through an experience and if you interject with your […]

Hip-hop is more about attaining wealth. People respect success. They respect big. They don’t even have to like your music. If you’re big enough, people are drawn to you.   Wisdom Wednesday is going down inside The April Watts Show on Magic 95.9.  From 10 am to 3pm, April will be playing Wisdom from some […]

Avoiding unhappy people is not mean; it’s survival.

Betchu ain’t know I could SANG! *looks to the sky for lightning * #WISDOMWEDNESDAY is on The April WattsShow on Magic 95.9 and I’m making YOU a part of the show. Upload a video on Instagram sharing your own words of wisdom. Use the hashtag  #WISDOMWEDNESDAY and I just may play it on the radio […]

The weather has turned cold and sometimes it is hard to stay motivated. Loving Your Spirit tonight with tips for staying on point even when it is cold outside. CLICK HERE for the full list of tips.

Instead of complaining about the life you have, BUILD the life you want.  It’s may not be easy, but it’s just that simple.

Life is short.  In the twinkling of an eye your time on this Earth could be over.  It would be a shame to life your entire life in the comfort zone; boxed in by fear.  There are things you have always wanted to accomplish or explore.  You’re not getting any younger.  Your life is not […]