One woman took her thirst for recording and posting to the next level by filming herself performing oral sex on a man inside a Florida courthouse.

#PenceBlackHistory will provide the laughs you've needed all day!

Lauryn Hill has been pissing people off for the last few years with her persistent lateness.

The former First Couple is on vacation chilling with billionaire Richard Branson in the British Virgin Islands—and they are having a blast!


The retailer twirled on their haters today.

Beyoncé made the big announcement on the first day of Black History Month.

Nick Gordon has had a difficult couple of years following the death of his fiancée Bobbi Kristina Brown.

Part one of The New Edition Story premiered last night on BET and Twitter had a lot to say. Check out our favorite reactions and tune into part two tonight at 9 p.m.

The day has come. Donald J. Trump is officially President of the United States of America. Here's Twitter's reaction.