News & Gossip

Between dealing with mass shootings, vicious race wars and living with an unfit and negligent President — it’s safe to say that we could all use a little inspiration to keep on going. Who better to inspire and motivate you to live your best life than the people who are already doing it. Check out […]

While most of the world rushed to comfort our American sweetheart, of course, not everybody had nice things to say.

It’s no secret that Donald Trump has completely dropped the ball when it comes to assisting natural disaster victims this year — but his overt neglect for the people of Puerto Rico has been downright painful to watch. Four days after Hurricane Maria shook the beloved island, the unfit President spent his time tweeting his […]

Tyrese is reportedly being investigated over claims he beat his 10-year-old daughter.

"For three years, my body has been a prisoner of trying to get pregnant," Union wrote in her new book.

The South Carolina Gamecocks are still waiting for their invitation to the White House after winning the championship.

Rep. Shelia Jackson Lee is known for speaking out about many different issues

A source told "The Daily Beast" that domestic terrorist Stephen Paddock initially had his eye on an event headlined by the Chicago rapper.