
By attacking public defenders, Republican Senators are attacking the guidance and supervision of the administrative oversight provided by the United States Courts.

Regardless of the field of endeavor – science, sports, business, politics – women have shattered long-held traditions, customs, and taken their rightful places in the world. From running companies to running countries. Gender equal leadership will lead to a more inclusive and effective society. 


Register to vote online for the 2022 midterm elections, it may only take thirty seconds.

President Joe Biden said in no uncertain terms that Vice President Kamala Harris will definitely be his running mate in 2024 and pushed back against the narrative that he may have let down Black voters to whom campaign promises have not been kept.


Almost 152 years since Black voting rights were established by the 15th Amendment, federal intervention to protect voting rights remains essential.

Harris' remarks, couched in the civil rights movement's legacy, push back on the idea that people can wait for a better time to pass voting rights legislation.


Black Twitter thinks Joe Biden mispronounced the name "Ebenezer Baptist Church" during his speech in Atlanta to discuss the state of voting rights in America.


On Jan. 3, 2008, first-term U.S. Senator from Illinois Barack Obama made American -- and Black -- history by winning the Iowa Caucuses on his way to becoming the first-ever African American president of the United States.


Donald Trump attempted to make himself look better at the expense of a hapless Black person—sound familiar? This time the tap dancing clown was Candace Owens, who while interviewing the losing President was taken aback when he suddenly turned into a pro-vaxxer. It turns out Trump now wants to take credit for the vaccines, despite […]


Meanwhile, Sen. Raphael Warnock remains focused on making good on his promises to all Georgians.