The popular player refused to answer questions, and instead gave everyone a racism reality check.

In response to the violence, Jessica Anderson better known as Jessica Lá Rel wrote a song of encouragement titled "#WeCantBreath".

News & Gossip

Colin Kaepernick continues to make headlines for his determination to stand for his principles and make a difference. After his widely covered decision not to stand during the national anthem, Kaepernick was looked at as a hero to many, which is why it was of little surprise that his jersey became the number one best-seller […]

News & Gossip

Ever since the news first broke that San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick publicly announced that he would no longer stand during the national anthem due to the way black people are treated in this country, there have been a flood of opinions of both support and disagreement. On Tuesday, former NFL player Rodney Harrison […]

News & Gossip

Machel Montano, the King of Soca, knows Black Lives Matter.


The suit claims law enforcement officers 'employed unconstitutional tactics to disturb, disrupt, infringe upon, and criminalize.'

In the era of celebrity biopics, the idea of a film about your favorite public figure is always exciting.

Every couple of months the rapper slash actor will pop up with some ridiculous way to stay relevant, and last week, he outdid himself.

News & Gossip

When the disappointing and outrageous news broke today that all of the officers tried in the Freddie Gray murder case had been acquitted, most people were shocked, saddened and disheartened by another injustice of a black man being murdered with no one held accountable. However it wasn’t just regular citizens who were highly upset, as […]