Comedian Capone was in studio today and we played everyone’s favorite game WWCD- or – What Would Capone Do? Once things got rolling – we found out who he thinks should star in the Michael Jackson movie, what he means when he talks about the ‘Forbidden Hershey Park’ / ‘Rootie Tootie’ / ‘Love Tunnel’, and […]

What you're looking at is not Photoshopped; Amber Rose and Kim Kardashian have taken the selfie of the year.

After recently getting arrested in South Africa, Yasiin Bey -- formerly known as Mos Def -- took to social media to express his thoughts on his predicament.

Kanye West has been about the culture since he was a tiny little boy.

If you thought your favorite rapper couldn't get any cooler, you were wrong.

The Kardashians used their social media influence to get their followers to vote for Kanye West as GQ's "Most Stylish Man Of 2015."