“Sometimes words cannot explain the feeling, but still I can find the love in your eyes.”

When you are young you are quick to say what you would never do in love. Maybe you would never settle, stay with a cheater or pay all the bills in love … we all have something big or small that in our twenties we said NEVER to and over thirty we say … MAYBE. […]

“When someone truly cares about you they make an effort, not an excuse.”

Sundays are all about a bit of spiritual food to make it through your work week. Tonight I wanted to share tips with you on getting what you want in life. These tips are good for pursuing relationship, career, financial, education and other personal goals. Let’s start winning! CLICK HERE for the full list of […]

“When you care for someone more than they deserve, you get hurt more than you deserve.”

After a relationship ends sometimes our exes can be so cruel! Posting about their wonderful lives or even making shady comments about why they decided to end things with you. Sometimes it is hard to feel good when it seems like your ex is going out of their way to torture you. I found a […]

“We fall in love by chance, we stay in love by choice.”

I think the conflict of the good guy versus the risky guy is being played perfectly on Being Mary Jane this season with Lee and Justin. Mary Jane knows Lee is the one, but can’t help but be drawn to Justin who she knows is not the one. She has even mocked Lee for being […]

“Showing love can be a difficult thing, but sharing it can be easy.”

We have all been there! You love someone, but in your spirit you feel that something is off and it is time to end the relationship. How do you know when it is definitely time to go? CLICK HERE for the full list of signs to end a relationship with someone you love.