I love any project that reinforces for young black girls that their beauty is to be celebrated. A teacher created a fantastic video for young women that celebrates all the wonderful ways we are beautiful. ENJOY!

Sundays are about providing spiritual food for your week. Spring break is on and many of you are trying to not go crazy with the kids home all day. I found a fantastic article with tools for keeping your sanity over the break. CLICK HERE for the list of tips.

You guys tell me all the time how stressful, frustrating and sometimes even disappointing it is to go out on a date. Some of you have stopped dating and others do it but hate it! What are you to do when you want love, but hate the process of getting to it? I found a […]

“We write our own chapters on love, it’s up to us how we turn these pages.”

4/7/17- Jacque Reid talks to the Detox Doctor, Eshe Faizah about men and women’s sex lives and why everyone is susceptible to having health challenges. Click the link below to hear the entire interview.

If you are looking for help with dealing with a dangerous current or former partner, please reach out to these fantastic groups for help:   Turnaround Inc. turnaroundinc.org 443-279-0379   House of Ruth hruth.org 410-889-7884   National Domestic Violence Hotline thehotline.org 1-800-799-7233

The news has been filled lately with tragic stories of former lovers harming and even in some cases killing exes. What can you do when you have left, but you still fear your ex? Is a restraining order enough? Should you press charges against her? Can you legally not tell him where you live and […]

“Love isn’t something you find…love is something that finds you…!”

They are making advances in developing very human like sex robots with estimates that a decent model could hit the market in less than 5 years. They have real skin and can be as sexual or romantic as you command them to be. Would you ever give a sex robot a run or is it […]

“Every body loves you when you love everybody, no one loves you if you do not love any one.”