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The surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis. What does that do?

The U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, has made a big announcement. Declaring gun violence a national public health crisis. His groundbreaking 40-page advisory outlines the scope of firearm violence and its devastating impact on victims and communities.
Murthy urges a public health approach to tackle this issue, similar to successful strategies against tobacco use and motor vehicle crashes. He emphasizes the urgency, stating, “The safety and well-being of our children and future generations are at stake.”

Firearm-related injuries are now the leading cause of death for U.S. children and adolescents. A recent survey revealed that 54% of U.S. adults or their families have experienced a firearm-related incident.
In his report he notes that this a problem that is unique to only America. Data from the CDC and WHO found the overall firearm-related death rate was 11.4 times higher in the U.S. compared to 28 other high-income nations. He also makes the connection with gun violence to mental health, noting that nearly 6 in 10 adults worry daily about loved ones becoming victims.
So although only an advisory. Could spark more awareness and movement toward gun reform legislation and safety.
Source: NPR