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Woman in car crash is arrested after a body is found in a mattress in the back seat

Police in Iowa got a call for a car accident on the highway, but things got WAY weirder than a fender bender.  They found the driver, a 32-year-old woman, outside the car being helped by a kind stranger.  So far, so good, right?  Wrong!
When the officers checked the car for anyone else involved, they made a shocking discovery!  In the backseat, they found the body of another woman, wrapped up like a mummy in a bedsheet, blanket, mattress, and even a tarp.

The driver was taken to a hospital where she was medically cleared, then taken to the Adult Detention Center and arrested on suspicion of interference with a dead body.
An autopsy found that the woman’s injuries “were not caused by, and preceded, the car crash,” the affidavit said.
The investigation is still ongoing.
And if that doesn’t sound like a scene in a movie. Wow!
Source: NBC