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Man killed by lightning strike on beach while warning others of incoming storm, police say

Some heroes are real and don’t have super powers. Sometimes they come in regular people just trying to do a good thing.
Like this 59 year old man from New Jersey who while at the beach with his girlfriend, noticed dark clouds rolling in. Knowing a storm was brewing, he ran back to warn people before it hit. His girlfriend begged him not to go, but he insisted on protecting others, especially the kids playing nearby. What a guy.
Unfortunately, he never made it back. Lightening struck him, and despite CPR from emergency responders, he didn’t survive.

But even in this heartbreaking story, there is one silver lining. The town where this happened has now  taken precautions for public safety. They’ve installed a lightning warning system that will be sure to save lives in the future.
Heroes comes in all size, shapes, and forms, and their acts are not always put in a script for the big screen. But his selfless act has affected lives for the better.
Source: CNN