About @CivJones

Civ Jones is a woman about her business and seeing her dreams manifest into reality. She aims to educate, motivate and mentor her generation through various forms of media, including the web, radio, print and video. Gaining much attention and recognition for her commitment to her community, Civ can now be heard alongside Tim Watts as his super duper producer weekdays from 10am to 3pm. Be sure to befriend Civy-Civ on the various social networks @CivJones

By far this is the most fascinating piece of artwork that I have seen “The Vicissitudes”. An underwater sculpture in Grenada that honors the African Ancestors that was lost in the sea during the middle passage. Created by Jason de Caires Taylor an artist that creates unique underwater sculptures that focus on natural ecological processes.  […]

President Obama has broken his silence this morning on the shooting death of Trayvon Martin. Expressing sympathy for his parents, he vowed to get to the bottom of what happened.

Tami Roman whose is no stranger to telling it like it is or putting hands on someone, decided to publicly reveal her past. She said watching herself verbally and physically attack co-stars on the VH1 reality series, prompted her to get the help she needed.

All though the billboard has been tore down; it still raises concern for those who found it offensive and racially charged. The Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission is investigating and is meeting with both the atheists who sponsored it as well as leaders of the NAACP. The atheists behind the sign said they were trying to […]

On Beautiful Surprise  It’s awesome! Today I just found out that it was the number one most-added at Urban A/C, so I’m excited. It feels good to sort of get back to music. It’s not just the track that was the reason why I named the album “Beautiful Surprise.” It’s just sort of really [about] […]

CeeLo Green was the recent feature in Jet Magazine. During the interview Green revealed that he always dreamed of posing for “Beauty of the Week”. Well, with a little help of photoshop, celebrity photographer Derek Blanks transformed CeeLo into a six pack having, toned arms, muscular model dressed like a Chip N Dale dancer. Can […]

After a brief hiatus from the music industry the powerhouse vocalist performed music from her new cd “The Return of the Sparrow”. She also did her new and improve rendition of “His Eye Is on the Sparrow”. As well as tribute to Whitney Houston that had the entire Eden’s Lounge attendees in tears. This woman […]

There’s a new batch of condoms with wrappers equipped with a QR code – a scannable barcode – giving users the ability to “check-in” when they use the contraceptive, according to Planned Parenthood.  The user can scan with their Smartphone then upload their location as well as general details of their sexual experience (anonymously) to […]

In attendance for the sign rising was his widow Rhoda McCullough, daughter Je’Niece McCullough, civil rights leader Rev. Jesse Jackson and about 200 of his fans. The street sign is on the corner near the home where he grew up.  Mac daughter Je’Niece McCullough says she hopes renaming the street Bernie Mac Street reminds people […]

The photograph ignited criticism from some politicians and religious groups in Muslim-majority country when a newspaper published it to promote Badu’s show. On the eve of the concert the Malaysia’s information minister announced that the concert that could not proceed because the painting on Badu shoulder was “an insult to Islam.” Erykah Badu has responded […]