Some people are upset over the commercial featuring black entrepreneur Bea Dixon, the owner of The Honey Pot Company, which sells plant based feminine care products. In the commercial she says, “The reason why it’s so important for Honey Pot to do well is so the next Black girl that comes up with a great […]

The event, which happened last month, was aimed at empowering our youth to read and see themselves as heroes.

TJMS: If You Missed It

Over the past couple of years, The term “black girl magic” has become commonplace in our vocabulary for good reason. Black girls and women have been showing extraordinary skill in everything from academics to athletics. Even in entertainment, Black women and girls are breaking out of traditional, stereotypical roles to ones that show complex characters with […]

Oakland Public Schools announced plans to launch a program focused on helping Black girls succeed. The school district pioneered a similar program for at-risk Black boys in 2010.


In what has become known as "The Talk," which parents give Black boys about police encounters, I also teach my daughter to respect authority, but that she should never allow her rights to be violated.