News & Gossip

One of the great things about social media is that questionable acts, occurrences and news get appropriately dragged when necessary. The latest recipient of social media ridicule is luxury retailer Neiman Marcus for selling collard greens for a whopping $66, excluding the $15 shipping fee. Yes, you read that right. Collard greens, which can be […]

5 bunches of collard greens, rinsed, trimmed, and chopped (I chop some of the stems too, why not? you paid for it!!!) 1 pound of…

Most white people don’t know the secret to good greens, and apparently our friend Shelle Shelle is one of them! Listen to the audio player…

“I’ve been drinkin’ watermelon…”  One hundred percent real watermelon juice.  Refereshing!   Avacado roles (the shell is coconut), vegan tuna salad, collard greens and spicy…

There are few things that are as soul-soothing as a fresh bowl of savory collards. But, depending on how you prepare them, they can also…