Starting the year strong is everyone’s new year’s resolution, which is why I love my fun and sweaty job especially in January. Since I know…

New year, new you, right?! A lot of us are going to start hitting the gym again now that 2015 is upon us! Jasmine Sanders has…

It’s hard to remember the days we read words without a million links in the text, but according to a new study we might want…

  Now this is the news we’ve all been waiting for. According to a new study, simply thinking about exercise might be enough to reach…

If you’re tired of making big plans to get fit in January only to meet big disappointments come March, then let me tell you one…

Treadmill? Who in the world has time for that?! Listen to the audio player to hear how this new pill could actually replace exercise in the latest Jazzy…


The holiday season is upon us and the anxiety of finding the perfect gift might be stressing you out. If you’re looking to give something…