Ciara’s best friend was photographed sitting on Ciara’s husband’s lap and lots of folks were like … that’s not appropriate. Have you set boundaries for your friends when it comes to your lover or is it all cool because you are all friends? Some things shouldn’t have to be spoken. She should know how far […]

Sunday nights I love on your spirit a bit with tips for getting your spirit in top shape! Tonight, I shared tips on boosting your faith. We all have our versions and beliefs in a spiritual force, but how do you remain and get closer to that force? Check out this full list of tips […]

So many of you want a serious relationship, but you don’t realize that sometimes the way you date can be working against you developing a deep bond with someone new. I found a great article with pointers on how to best “date” to get to serious love. CLICK HERE for the full article. 

I saw a Facebook post earlier today where a woman asked men to stop picking up ladies at the gym. Where should you not try to pick up people? Funeral, family reunion, prison work release, STD Clinic, unemployment office, holding cell and Domestic Violence Court Goodwill. Lol. Police 👮🏽 station A couple’s retreat The maternity […]

On RHOA Sheree seems hopeful that she and Bob can find a happy place and possibly date down the road. However, the promos for the next episode showed that Bob really hasn’t changed and there is still loads of drama between the two. Why are we so hopeful when it comes to love? CLICK HERE […]

Former NBA star Scottie Pippin is working out things with his wife Larsa after she had a very public relationship with Future. Many are shocked that a man would take his cheating wife back. Is it harder for a man to get over being cheated on? Do you think your man would forgive you? I […]

On Sunday nights I flip the show to Loving Your Spirit to provide spiritual food for your week. Tonight I shared tips on finding your peace when times are tough. CLICK HERE for the full list of tips.

The Biden’s have a bit of love crazy going on with the widow of their son now dating their other son. The rumor is he left his wife to date his dead brother’s widow and the family is supportive. Could one of your siblings date your ex? Nope couldn’t do it! Once a young lady […]

Tyrese lauded his new wife’s “submissiveness” as one of the many traits that made him choose her. The word “submissive” can set people off. Should a wife be submissive? If a man asks for it, is it an automatic turn off? I do not like that word. It totally turns me off. Not interested in […]

A listener posted of Facebook a few days ago that he was tired of people thinking he was lonely or thirsty because he was single. He wanted people to know that he was happy and was actually choosing to be single. Tonight, I shared the many benefits of being single.  CLICK HERE for the full […]