The Buzz!     Zuckerberg announces paid subscription service for Facebook and Instagram The Socials are now costing. That is if you want to the sought after blue check by your user name. Twitter pulled off the paid subscription for users who want to have the verified blue check. It seems Facebook and Instagram are […]

The Buzz: FDA says to not eat cicadas if you have a seafood allergy  So this eating cicadas thing is real and some people have really tried to make this some kind of delicacy. There are so many recipes and people are cooking them all kind of ways some even eating them raw…well they say […]

Growing up, we’re made to believe that perfectionism is something positive. We’re unconsciously taught that being first, never making a mistake, appearing flawless and constantly winning in every facet of life is what’ll get us the best job, the highest salary, a successful friend group, thousands of likes and followers on Instagram, the envy of […]

The actress reminded fans why she's an Oscar winner with her dramatic interpretation of Britney Spears' "Oops!... I Did It Again."