Waking and baking before your workouts could be beneficial. Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text BALTIMORE to 24042 to join! According to a new study, smoking cannabis could actually motivate someone to get to the gym. Researchers in Colorado surveyed more than 600 people […]

Lose weight. Exercise. If you are over 40, you’ve heard these things over and over again. You also know that just about every illness that disproportionately hits the African-American community is exacerbated by obesity. But working out can be hard on tweaky backs and gimpy knees. If you’re overweight, you might barely be able to […]


Researchers have discovered that relaxing in the hot bath burned 130 calories, roughly the same amount burned during a 30-minute walk.

Should a man pressure a woman to lose weight if she gained the weight having his babies? Both of them can certainly accept it, and all the clogged arteries and health issues that come along with it. Past a certain period it’s no longer baby weight…you’re just overweight baby . No he should encourage her […]


Quick and easy tips to help you reach your fitness goals in the New Year.

Some people like the gym, some like yoga and aerobics some even like line dancing as a form of exercise. But health experts say the best form of exercise is walking. That’s why I bought a fitbit to track how many steps I get in a day. The goal is 10,000 steps a day, plus […]

The thing I love most about working with my personal trainer is that he mixes up the work outs so there is never a dull day.  From free weights and sports drills to calisthenics, my work outs are always interesting.  This gives me extra incentive to wake up and keep my 6:30 am appointments.  Getting […]

Sundays the show switches to Loving Your Spirit. I like many of you is trying to get some exercise in, but sometimes it seems like there is no time. Here is a great article with 25 tips for getting more time to focus on fitness. It has helped me and hopefully it will help you […]

Richard Simmons has helped a lot of people over the years, and now the legendary fitness instructor is coming to his very own rescue --- sort of.

TJMS: If You Missed It

Getting in shape can be tough! Drop your fitness questions below and our fitness contributor will answer your questions in an upcoming blog. Like BlackAmericaWeb.com…