
"Diamond and Silk," who "Stump for Trump," appeared on Thursday's edition of NewsOne Now to share why they have decided to support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Declaring his love for voters who swept him to victory Tuesday in the Nevada presidential caucuses, Donald Trump claimed his third straight victory in an early voting state.

Anonymous began its release today with a partial list revealing accused politicians' names, address, emails, phone numbers and spouses.

The husband of the mayor of a small Oklahoma town has apologized for posing as a Ku Klux Klan member for Halloween.

For over a year, the KKK and Anonymous have exchanged blows online. The first unhooding by the collective was last year during the Ferguson unrest.

Residents of a predominantly Black suburb in Detroit are up in arms after discovering racist political flyers sprinkled on their lawns

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the stories trending on that you are talking about. Donald Trump: Obama Has “Set A Very…

Black Lives Matter begins their rally at the SC Statehouse.— Paul Zoeller (@pzoeller) July 18, 2015 When two hate groups took their place on the…

“They took our flag, so be it. They’re taking our heritage from us. They’re taking the freedom out of America.”—William Bader, an imperial wizard of…