The Buzz!     Zuckerberg announces paid subscription service for Facebook and Instagram The Socials are now costing. That is if you want to the sought after blue check by your user name. Twitter pulled off the paid subscription for users who want to have the verified blue check. It seems Facebook and Instagram are […]

‘Virtual babies’ who grow up in real time will be commonplace by 2070, expert predicts Well if you have not heard of the metaverse by now it is a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users. And in a few decades experts are saying you will be able […]

More than a dozen HBCUs get bomb threats on the first day of Black History Month Another day and another set of bomb threats at multiple HBCU’s across the country and even closer to home. Yesterday, schools such as Howard university, Bowie State university, were on alert. Now for the second day in a row […]