A Texas parent demanded a Michelle Obama biography be pulled from schools because they said it would make white girls feel ‘ashamed’ So in Texas they has been a book banning thing going on and they have been petitioning to have certain books that depict race, sexuality, and gender. Well there is a parent from […]

Why the first responding officer at the Ahmaud Arbery shooting didn’t provide first aid More details are coming out in the trial for the murder of Ahmaud Arberry. So the first responder who arrived on the scene first testified in court and said he did not render first aid to Arbery due to the danger of the situation as well […]

For the very first time in NFL History an all African American officiating crew will work together and call an NFL game. The seven man team called the historic game between the Los Angeles Rams versus the Tampa Bay Buccaneers during a Monday Night Game.   When the NFL announced the crew was being assembled […]

Reparations has been a hot topic for a long time as African descendants have never been compensated for the free labor of slavery used to build this country. Bob Johnson, the former owner of BET was on CNBC speaking about the need for reparations.  H said the  U.S. government should provide $14 trillion of reparations […]

TJMS: If You Missed It

Unita Blackwell became the first Black woman elected mayor in the state of Mississippi, this after working across the state as a member of the civil rights movement. She passed on May 13th.  Blackwell was born on March 18, 1933 in the town of Lula to sharecropping parents. With opportunities limited in the state, Blackwell […]

Today's spotlight is on Theresa Braxton, Baltimore educator and author-to-be. 

Today's spotlight is on Bennie Jones, CEO of JonesHouse Entertainment.

Today's spotlight is on Baltimore's Shelley Stephens who has been described as "a true leader in the community."

A rare photo of Underground Railroad hero and 19th century abolitionist Harriet Tubman sold at a New York City auction for $162,500 Thursday.

Today marks the 52nd anniversary of one of the most important civil rights events in American history!! On this very day in 1965 state troopers attacked civil rights marchers at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma, Alabama. This event became known as “Bloody Sunday,” and gave momentum to the passage of the Voting Rights Act. […]