Morality Police: Mom works for the post office and has been fighting off the flirts of a young business owner on her route. Daughter brings new boyfriend home that she thinks is the “one.” It is the guy! Should mom tell her daughter that her man has been chasing her for months or should she […]

Morality Police: Laura Govan from BBWLA is suing her ex-fiance former NBA player Gilbert Arenas for $1 million because he sold her engagement ring after their recent break-up. Is the ring his to do with what he wants?  She just want some money she don’t have nothing to do with herself and to fall back […]

Morality Police: What would you think about your man if you found out that he secretly paternity tested the kids because he just wanted to be sure? Fellas, is it fair for ladies to be mad when they find out? I would feel violated. There’s no trust then there’s nothing. If he has doubt, I […]