It didn't take long for Kells to get frustrated during the interview with Huffington Post Live's Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani, as he claimed he was being interrogated.

Fed up with the caricature that is Trump, the GOP quickly distanced themselves after Monday night's circus, most seeming to understand just how outrageous, hateful and damaging Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric could be.

Twitter suspends George Zimmerman's account after he posted the phone number, email address and naked photos of an alleged ex-girlfriend.

Roker's experience is not unique -- cabs passing Black men and women is a decades-long problem that has both been addressed through the lens of racial profiling and comedic fodder.

Her performance was part of the special, Adele At the BBC, where the singer spoke with Graham Norton about her upcoming album 25, the music business, and drunk tweeting.

Activist and New York Daily News reporter Shaun King's decision to put CNN on blast resulted in King being locked out of his Twitter account.

David Justice and Eric Benet decided to go in on Twitter about Halle Berry and her numerous failed relationships. What is the meanest thing that an ex ever said about you? She said I messed around with dudes and sold all my stuff. That ish just pissed me off again. She marveled that my arm […]

A woman shattered her chances at advancing her career at a health company after she tweeted about discovering her "inner ni**er" at a cotton field.

Thousands of women (and men) are banding together to share their stories and fight to find a cure for breast cancer. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, social media activists have sought to maintain a culture of awareness for the better -- and sometimes the worse.